Tuesday, October 5, 2010

DAY 9: Supported the Next Generation

A few years ago when Chelsea and I started dating she invited me to a Black-Tie and Boots function in support of St Jude Children's research hospital. The event was pretty cool. It was out in a farmers field in Larkspur, CO. They had a live band and the event was thrown in a huge tent. It was a hoot meeting a lot of the people dressed in suits with their shit-kickers on. During this event they had people sing special songs about children. They had some childhood survivors of cancer speak. Over the duration of the evening they asked for donations at any chance. The hat was passed many times. I was planning on making a small donation to support but didn't think I was going to be able to afford a larger donation...at least thats what I thought. Near the end of the night a younger looking couple came to the stage and started telling a story about a childhood diagnosis of some horrible type of cancer. I am an optimist so at some point I am thinking their kid is going to jump out from behind a curtain or run in healthy as a horse. He never did. He had died 3 years earlier. I was sitting at a table full of Chelsea's family and friends. I was about to come apart at the seams with emotion. This couple their strength and their loss. The checkbook came out and Chelsea wrote the check with her superior penmanship. I thought I was going to eat ramen noodles for the next few weeks and I could care less. I didn't want another family giving this speech.

TODAYS DEED: Gave to St Judes Children's Research Hospital. It wasn't much but every dime helps this great organization. Since that party it has become one of my favorite charities. If you are interested in making a donation or just learning more check out their site. I hope it is able to do to you what it did for me. www.stjude.org

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