Thursday, September 30, 2010

DAY 4: Road-Side Service

There have been a lot of people who have been sending me stuff on other projects that they are doing and I think it is pretty darn cool that they were all up for the challenge. I have spent a ton of time in the Fort Benning/Columbus, GA area. For better or worse I have been able to make a few decent friends. It is true what they say about Southern Hospitality. A friend of mine Liz O'neil from Columbus is making a huge contribution and doing a very good deed for some special people. Tomorrow she is going to get her hair "chopped off"(in her words), in support of Lock of Love. For anyone that is not familiar with what they do they are a public non-profit that provides hair-pieces to financially disadvantaged patients under the age of 21 in the USA and Canada suffering from long term hair loss regardless of the medical condition. Liz is literally giving a part of herself in charity. Very cool beautiful lady inside and out. To find out more about Locks of Love please follow this website   Several famous folks including my sister have also donated their locks.

TODAYS DEED: I am currently sitting on an job offer from a great company out in DC that I would love to work. I thought I would swing by my old office and inform them about my potential separation with the company and just to check in. On my drive over I ran across a motorist who was trying to kick start his boober-chopper. Any bike owner knows the worst thing you can have happen is break down a ways from home...most bikes don't even have the most basic of tools and if your out of gas forget about looking cool. I stopped to see if I could help. The bike was a custom job. It was a very interesting bobber and some pretty neat stuff on it but you could tell the rider was a rookie. He had a helmet and a jacket that looked like they came fresh from the catalogue.  He kicked the starter a few more dice. right way i noticed a kinked hose running from his fuel tank to his carb. there was a clear tube that was either full or empty. I flicked it with my finger and it sprang to life...filled right up...something was in the tank or the kink was to sever for fuel to pass. A few other minor adjustments to the carb which was now full of fuel, another kick and the machine roared to life. He was pretty pumped that we were able to fix the bike and not lose too many cool points. Any other bike owners out there I recommend joining H.O.G (Harley Owners Group). They provide road-side assistance as well as have great safety and maintenance information.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

RIO Goes to School

This is a picture of my mate Mario. He spent his time in the green suit, owns a Ranger Tab and has taken a few free flight to Iraq if you know what I mean. He has since moved on and has started law school this fall. This is him not wasting a  second studying....even while giving blood. Nice work Rio! Way to earn that apple juice.

DAY 3: Reading the fine print

Today was a fun day. I got caught up on some stuff that I had been needing to do for awhile. Grocery shopping was pretty high on the TO-DO list. I was pushing my cart along the isle when I ran into an older gal reaching for an item high on the shelf. She retrieve the item(Vanilla Extract) and was reading two boxes like they were the holy bible. I'd seen this before. She was having trouble reading it. I approached her just as she was looking up and said "can I help you". She said "ah no thats alright you don't work her, I am just  trying to figure out what size this is." I insisted on helping. Not knowing much about how coupons work she taught me a lesson in the process. Contrary to popular(or at least my) belief. A coupon is only good for a very specific item. Not just mayo or peanut butter but a specific kind of mayo and even a specific size. So we were able to find the exact Vanilla Extract she was looking for her to make her self-procalimed "Worlds best cookie" recipe. I am not supposed to mention that its not hear recipe its a friends of hers but she made a few modifications that I am also not at liberty to discuss. A great interaction with a great lady who eyesight is not all that it used to be.

Some interesting eye/vision facts:
Your eyes are the most complex organs you possess except for your brain.
Your eyes are composed of more than 2 million working parts
The average person blinks 12 times per minute - about 10,000 blinks in an average day
The phrase, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye" is from Ancient Rome. The only rule during wrestling matches was, "No eye gouging." Everything else was allowed, but the only way to be disqualified was to poke someone's eye out. eyes can process 36,000 bits of information every hour.

TODAYS DEED: Helped a vision impaired person find what they were looking for. 

SHOUT OUT: I wanted to take an opportunity to shout out to a friend of mine who is also getting involved. Jorge Pena is going to participate in a RED. WHITE and BLUE Marathon this weekend. The Marathon raises money for service members who have been wounded in our wars. The organization provides different means of support to help the transitioning service member back to society. Jorge is a bother in arms of mine and has done his time in the sand box. For more information follow this link;  or email me. Great Job Jorge keep up the good work and I will be thinking about you Sunday AM when your around mile 26!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DAY 2: Squashing Litter Bugs

FACT: Cleaning up litter in the U.S. costs hundreds of dollars per ton, about ten times more than the cost of trash disposal, for a cost totaling about $11 billion per year

Here are some interesting stats about decomposition times. 

Paper and paperboard: 6 months
Cigarette butts: 2–5 years
Plastic (PET) Soda Bottles: 5–10 years
Plastic shopping bags: 10–30 years
Gum: 20–25 years
Polystyrene chip wrapping: 90 years
Tin Can: 80–100 years
Aluminum Can: 200–400 years
Six pack bottle wrapping: 450 years
Golf ball: 100–1000 years

I guess we should use more paper golfballs. I know I should at the rate I lose them. 

TODAYS DEED: During my ride in the park this morning I spent about 10 min picking up liter. I found more cigarette butts than anything. Who does that? Pretty sure we spend tax money on ash trays for your people. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

DAY 1: And so it begins

On this day in 1779, the Continental Congress appoints John Adams to travel to France as minister plenipotentiary in charge of negotiating treaties of peace and commerce with Great Britain during the Revolutionary War.
That was 231 years ago. John Adams was doing his part. Peace was on his mind not for his own gain but for the droves of soldier and civilians that were dying each day. In that spirit and in the spirit of goodwill I have started a new mission. This mission is simple(as I like it). DO ONE GOOD DEED A DAY for someone/thing other than your self. This is a personal journey and a public challenge to join me. You don't have to write about it you don't even have to think much about it. Just know that your deeds are not going unnoticed. Light Up the darkness. 

I am going to start out simple and I hope to not have too many repeats on here but in all honesty just because I walk one old lady across the street doesn't mean the others a going to have to fend from themselves. The more old Ladies the better I always say! 

TODAYS DEED: I took a shopping cart in for a person who was parked in a handicap spot. She was pretty stoked.