Monday, September 27, 2010

DAY 1: And so it begins

On this day in 1779, the Continental Congress appoints John Adams to travel to France as minister plenipotentiary in charge of negotiating treaties of peace and commerce with Great Britain during the Revolutionary War.
That was 231 years ago. John Adams was doing his part. Peace was on his mind not for his own gain but for the droves of soldier and civilians that were dying each day. In that spirit and in the spirit of goodwill I have started a new mission. This mission is simple(as I like it). DO ONE GOOD DEED A DAY for someone/thing other than your self. This is a personal journey and a public challenge to join me. You don't have to write about it you don't even have to think much about it. Just know that your deeds are not going unnoticed. Light Up the darkness. 

I am going to start out simple and I hope to not have too many repeats on here but in all honesty just because I walk one old lady across the street doesn't mean the others a going to have to fend from themselves. The more old Ladies the better I always say! 

TODAYS DEED: I took a shopping cart in for a person who was parked in a handicap spot. She was pretty stoked.  

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